If the Java file you specify on the command line contains a reference to another Java class that’s defined by a java file in the same folder, the Java compiler automatically compiles that class, too.
You can list more than one filename in the javac command.
You can use a wildcard to compile all the files in a folder, like this:
Select type of project to generate: 1: basic 2: application 3: library 4: Gradle plugin Enter selection (default: basic) [1..4] 2
Split functionality across multiple subprojects?: 1: no - only one application project 2: yes - application and library projects Enter selection (default: no - only one application project) [1..2] 2
Select implementation language: 1: C++ 2: Groovy 3: Java 4: Kotlin 5: Scala 6: Swift Enter selection (default: Java) [1..6] 3
Here is a list of some of the main Maven phases and the Gradle tasks that they map to:
Use the clean task provided by the Base Plugin.
Use the classes task provided by the Java Plugin and other JVM language plugins. This compiles all classes for all source files of all languages and also performs resource filtering via the processResources task.
Use the test task provided by the Java Plugin. It runs just the unit tests, or more specifically, the tests that make up the test source set.
Use the assemble task provided by the Base Plugin. This builds whatever is the appropriate package for the project, for example a JAR for Java libraries or a WAR for traditional Java webapps.
Use the check task provided by the Base Plugin. This runs all verification tasks that are attached to it, which typically includes the unit tests, any static analysis tasks — such as Checkstyle — and others. If you want to include integration tests, you will have to configure these manually, which is a simple process.
Use the publishToMavenLocal task provided by the Maven Publish Plugin.Note that Gradle builds don’t require you to “install” artifacts as you have access to more appropriate features like inter-project dependencies and composite builds. You should only use publishToMavenLocal for interoperating with Maven builds.Gradle also allows you to resolve dependencies against the local Maven cache, as described in the Declaring repositories section.
Use the publish task provided by the Maven Publish Plugin — making sure you switch from the older Maven Plugin (ID: maven) if your build is using that one. This will publish your package to all configured publication repositories. There are also other tasks that allow you to publish to a single repository even when multiple ones are defined.Note that the Maven Publish Plugin does not publish source and Javadoc JARsby default, but this can easily be activated as explained in the guide for building java projects.
<projectname="MyProject"default="dist"basedir="."> <description> simple example build file </description> <!-- set global properties for this build --> <propertyname="src"location="src"/> <propertyname="build"location="build"/> <propertyname="dist"location="dist"/>
<targetname="init"> <!-- Create the time stamp --> <tstamp/> <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile --> <mkdirdir="${build}"/> </target>
<targetname="compile"depends="init" description="compile the source"> <!-- Compile the Java code from ${src} into ${build} --> <javacsrcdir="${src}"destdir="${build}"/> </target>
<targetname="dist"depends="compile" description="generate the distribution"> <!-- Create the distribution directory --> <mkdirdir="${dist}/lib"/>
<!-- Put everything in ${build} into the MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar file --> <jarjarfile="${dist}/lib/MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar"basedir="${build}"/> </target>
<targetname="clean" description="clean up"> <!-- Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees --> <deletedir="${build}"/> <deletedir="${dist}"/> </target> </project>
ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] ...]] Options: -help, -h print this message and exit -projecthelp, -p print project help information and exit -version print the version information and exit -diagnostics print information that might be helpful to diagnose or report problems and exit -quiet, -q be extra quiet -silent, -S print nothing but task outputs and build failures -verbose, -v be extra verbose -debug, -d print debugging information -emacs, -e produce logging information without adornments -lib <path> specifies a path to search for jars and classes -logfile <file> use given file for log -l <file> '' -logger <classname> the class which is to perform logging -listener <classname> add an instance of class as a project listener -noinput do not allow interactive input -buildfile <file> use given buildfile -file <file> '' -f <file> '' -D<property>=<value> use value for given property -keep-going, -k execute all targets that do not depend on failed target(s) -propertyfile <name> load all properties from file with -D properties taking precedence -inputhandler <class> the class which will handle input requests -find <file> (s)earch for buildfile towards the root of -s <file> the filesystem and use it -nice number A niceness value for the main thread: 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest); 5 is the default -nouserlib Run ant without using the jar files from ${user.home}/.ant/lib -noclasspath Run ant without using CLASSPATH -autoproxy Java 5+ : use the OS proxies -main <class> override Ant's normal entry point